antibiotic resistance what health workers can do ?
What's New: Drugs@USFDA
New and Generic Drug Approvals fda.gov/Drugs/NewsEvents/ucm130961.htm
FDA Drug Info Rounds Video
Newly Added Guidance Documents/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm121568.htm
Determining the Extent of Safety Data Collection Needed in Late Stage Premarket and Postapproval Clinical Investigations
Drugs@FDA Data Files/Drugs/InformationOnDrugs/ucm079750.htm
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Drug Information Association
For over 50 years, DIA has served as a global platform for more than 30,000 health care product development professionals, researchers, regulators, clinicians, academics and patient advocates to collaborate to improve health globally through the advancement of lifesaving medicines and technologies. As the premier professional community for the health care product development ecosystem, DIA (the Drug Information Association) provides global players a neutral and transparent forum for the exchange of ideas and collaboration. By offering access to tools, resources, and networking opportunities, DIA provides its members and international participants objective opportunities for extending debate and discussion to advance scientific and medical innovation.
DIA is an independent, global nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC, USA, with regional offices representing the Americas (Horsham, PA, USA); Europe, Africa and the Middle East (Basel, Switzerland); and Asia (Beijing, China; Mumbai, India; and, Tokyo, Japan)
Drug Information Association
For over 50 years, DIA has served as a global platform for more than 30,000 health care product development professionals, researchers, regulators, clinicians, academics and patient advocates to collaborate to improve health globally through the advancement of lifesaving medicines and technologies. As the premier professional community for the health care product development ecosystem, DIA (the Drug Information Association) provides global players a neutral and transparent forum for the exchange of ideas and collaboration. By offering access to tools, resources, and networking opportunities, DIA provides its members and international participants objective opportunities for extending debate and discussion to advance scientific and medical innovation.
DIA is an independent, global nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC, USA, with regional offices representing the Americas (Horsham, PA, USA); Europe, Africa and the Middle East (Basel, Switzerland); and Asia (Beijing, China; Mumbai, India; and, Tokyo, Japan)