Wednesday 10 July 2024

Good Pharmacy Practice GPP, GMP, GCP, NP

When India is excelling in every other field., why not in Pharmacy Practice Service field? 
Only a good PCI and a good Regulatory body can bring out GPP (Good Pharmacy Practice).

- A different POV
- Bhagwan PS

Regulatory Officers do not support Professionally Serving Pharmacist. 

- A different POV
-Bhagwan PS

Good Pharmacy Practice is the practice of pharmacy aimed at providing and promoting the best use of drugs and other health care services and products by patients and members of the public. It requires that the welfare of the patient is the pharmacist/s prime concern at all times.

GMP- Good Manufacturing Practice

GMP- Good Medical Practice

Good medical practice sets out the standards of care and behaviour expected of all medical professionals. 

It covers areas that include:  

  • making the care of patients the first concern
  • providing a good standard of practice and care, and working within competence
  • working in partnership with patients and supporting them to make informed decisions about their care
  • treating colleagues with respect and help to create an environment that is compassionate, supportive and fair
  • acting with honesty and integrity and being open if things go wrong
  • protecting and promoting the health of patients and the public

This guidance came into effect on 30 January 2024.

Good clinical practice (GCP) is an international quality standard, which governments can then transpose into regulations for clinical trials involving human subjects. GCP follows the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH), and enforces tight guidelines on ethical aspects of clinical research.

High standards are required in terms of comprehensive documentation for the clinical protocol, record keeping, training, and facilities, including computers and software. Quality assurance and inspections ensure that these standards are achieved. GCP aims to ensure that the studies are scientifically authentic and that the clinical properties of the investigational product are properly documented.

GCP guidelines[1] include protection of human rights for the subjects and volunteers in a clinical trial. It also provides assurance of the safety and efficacy of the newly developed compounds. GCP guidelines include standards on how clinical trials should be conducted, define the roles and responsibilities of institutional review boards, clinical research investigators, clinical trial sponsors, and monitors. In the pharmaceutical industry monitors are often called clinical research associates.

A series of unsuccessful and ineffective clinical trials in the past were the main reason for the creation of ICH and GCP guidelines in the US and Europe. These discussions ultimately led to the development of certain regulations and guidelines, which evolved into the code of practice for international consistency  of quality research


Nursing Practice (NP)

Nursing practice involves advocacy for the rights of the individual patient and for their family. It also involves advocacy on behalf of nursing practice in organisational and management structures within nursing.

What is good practice in nursing?
The Code contains a series of statements that taken together signify what good practice by nurses, midwives and nursing associates looks like. It puts the interests of patients and service users first, is safe and effective, and promotes trust through professionalism.

A different POV : Think over🤔Professionals support Drugs Act & Pharmacy Act..But, Both neither support Profession nor professionals!

A different POV : 

Think over🤔

Professionals support Drugs Act & Pharmacy Act..

Both neither support Profession nor professionals!

- Bhagwan PS

Monday 8 July 2024

One Nation One SOP

#OneNationOneSOP !

PCI should conduct a  5day intensive
Standardised Modular Training Program to all State Council Registrars on Pharmacy Act and Operating Procedure to bring uniformity in
1. Election process,
2. Meeting proceedings and
3. Registration 
4.Office Management  & 
    Public Relations
5. Documentation.

An SOP should be circulated for mandatory compliance with a copy to all State Government to monitor and to Archieves.


#AppraiseTeachers on #PharmacyAct

Registrar of Pharmacy Council should deliver appraisal seminar to Pharmacy teachers on Pharmacy Act and SOP of State Council, every year.
Students would be  benifitted

A different POV
-Bhagwan PS

PCI Course Module & NIPER

PCI Course Module & NIPER

Why we don't accept that PCI was created to regulate D Pharm course only?

NIPER cannot / should not run like another Pharmacy college under PCI.

It should have experienced faculties and facilities from both Healthcare and Pharma Industries, that can offer higher learning.

We need a separate body or merge Pharmacy University education with AICTE to develop an ever updated education system to meet the advanced  HealthCare and Pharma business world.

Students admission too should have certain minimum standard.


A different POV
- Bhagwan PS

Friday 5 July 2024

#Pharmacy Week And Day


Pharmacist's service should be such that the Public and NGOs should celebrate 'Pharmacy Week' & 'Pharmacists Day' to acknowledge Pharmacists service and honour Pharmacists.


Unite & Consolidate - Or Perish

A different POV: Revolution PharmD

Dear pharmacists, 

I'm finding that we are not adopting intellectual approach to apprise the Govt and authorities on the situation and the needs. 

Going on piecemeal protest here and there at different time intervals seldom helps rather give more opportunities to the authorities to evade and escape responsibility. 

With this type of approach you cannot approach Courts too. 

I think one day a poor citizen will be shifted to hospital for any alleged dereliction of duty of the pharmacist and he may face an FIR also. 

Who will support him. Face book army?

Hence,  I appeal to all pharmacists to join hands for an intellectual united approach. 

Good wishes.

-Bhagwan PS

Thursday 4 July 2024

Why Pharmacy is called a Practice?

A different POV: 

Why Pharmacy is called a Practice?

Thanks to Fathima Shameen, Pharm D.

Wonderfull well illustrated motivational post. 

👉Every day is a New day.

👉Every prescription including repeats is a New one.

👉Every patient including repeats is a New patient.

👉Prescriptions though look same gives new insights and orientation when interacted with the patients.

👉Prescriptions though look same gives new insights and orientation when they are from different Clinicians.

👉What you didn't find yesterday may be found today.

👉What you understood yesterday can be corrected today.

Hence, learning is and should be continuation and should be a cultured compulsive habit to the Pharmacist.

Hence, it is called Pharmacy-Practice.

The explanation and definition given in PPR2015 and its subsequent edition for Ph Practice is unconvincing and TOTALLY WRONG. 😢

- Bhagwan PS