Thursday 18 April 2013

another letter in the scheme of things- further

To DATE: 27/03/2012
The Registrar,
Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences,Karnataka
Subject:Immediate attention for correction & inclusion of subjects for pharm D (PB) course-reg
Through: The Principal, N.E.T Pharmacy College Raichur.
Respected Sir,
We are the Pharm-D(Post Baccalautreate) students(2010-2013) pursuing the course from NET Pharmacy College Raichur under RGUHS.
According to Pharm-D (Post Baccalaureate) regulations 2008 mentioned in RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, Karnataka, the scheme of Examination for Pharm-D(Post Baccalaureate) Course, given in page no. 4,the subject Hospital and Community pharmacy(serial no.1.5) is already mentioned to be included in the First Year(Fourth year of Pharm-D course). But instead the above subject, Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics(serial no. 4.5) has been included, as given in table (First year Post baccalaureate-Fourth year of Pharm-D course) on page no.2.
This is to inform you that, at our B.Pharm syllabus under various Universities we didn’t had subjects of Hospital & Community Pharmacy, and Pathophysiology. These subjects are the basic and fundamental subjects for a Pharm-D(PB) course, upon which other subjects are based e.g.: Pharmacotherapeutics I,II,and III are related with Pathophysiology. Though these subjects are included in the Pharm D(6yr-regular) university syllabus in 2nd year, where as these are not included in Pharm D(PB) RGUHS syllabus. Sir, this is to bring to your notice that these above subjects are very important for an aspirant clinical pharmacist to understand the basics and are the essence of the Pharm D(PB) course.
All of us students of Pharm D(PB) also had not studied either of these two subjects or one or none in our B.Pharm syllabus under our respective universities.
Sir, without having these 2 basic clinically oriented subjects (1.Hospital&Community Pharmacy) and 2. Pathophysiology our course wont be valid and valued.
We request you to kindly consider our appeal and make suitable amendments in the existing Pharm.D(PB) Syllabus by adding these 2 basic subjects, effective from this academic year, so that we all Pharm D(PB) students may cover all the required core subjects under our syllabus which will enable us to be at par with Pharm D(6yr-regular) students who already have these subjects in their syllabus. This may also enable us to be eligible for appearing in competitive exams at international level. Hence we shall get better jobs and opportunities globally.
We hope our request will be considered favorably and implemented at the earliest.
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely,
Pharm D(Post Baccalaureate) students,
2010-13 batch
N.E.T PC Raichur.
ENCLOSURES: 1. List of Pharm D(PB) students of N.E.T Pharmacy College, who completed B.Pharm . from various universities (including RGUHS) with subjects not studied in their B.Pharm.
2. The remarks of our faculty on addition of subjects in Pharm D(PB) syllabus. . 3. FPGEC bulletin 2011. Copy to: 1. Dean, Faculty Of Pharmacy, RGUHS, Bangalore. . 2. Chairman; BOS, Faculty Of , RGUHS, Bangalore.