3.2.2. Outpatient pharmaceutical care
In 2010, a comprehensive systematic review of 298 studies evaluating the impact of pharmacist-provided direct patient care in ambulatory settings found significant benefits in achieving hemoglobin A1c, LDL cholesterol, and blood pressure targets in addition to reducing adverse drug events (Chisolm-Burns et al., 2010). These intermediate health outcome benefits result from enhanced patient knowledge about medications, increased medication adherence, and improved quality of life as a result of pharmacist-provided services (Chisolm-Burns et al., 2010).
In a systematic review of 15 randomized controlled trials in 9111 outpatients with diabetes published in 2012, the use of pharmacist medication management, educational interventions, feedback to providers, and patient reminders had a significant effect on systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and body mass index versus standard of care (Santschi et al., 2012).
Similar benefits were seen in a systematic review of hyperlipidemia patients treated by pharmacists, where markers of lipid control were markedly improved (Charrois et al., 2012). In July 2013, the impact of pharmacists, specifically on geriatric care, was assessed in a meta-analysis of 20 studies (Lee et al., 2013). Pharmacist-provided care resulted in significant improvements in hospitalizations, medication adherence, combined therapeutic outcomes (blood pressure, INRs, etc), and combined safety end points (falls, adverse events, and number of unnecessary drugs being used) (Lee et al., 2013).
3.2.3. Evidence-based pharmaceutical care
The concept “evidence-based pharmaceutical care” has been mentioned as a term in 2008 (Gaebelein and Gleason, 2008) and it has been defined in 2009 as ‘‘the responsible provision of evidence-based medication-related care for the purpose of achieving definite outcomes that improve patients’ quality of life” (Aburuz, 2015). EBPC evolves the application of the current best up to date pharmacy research to provide effective pharmaceutical services to patients. Like other health care disciplines, implementation of EBPC mainly involves four sequential steps (Weng et al., 2013): first, framing a clear question based on a clinical problem; second, searching for relevant evidence in the literature; third, critically appraising the validity of contemporary research; and fourth, applying the findings to clinical decision-making.
4. Discussion
From the literature review results it is clear that pharmaceutical care achieves a brilliant and innovative step in improving the pharmacy practice to be more professional and effective health care service. Changing practice from dispensing to care providing system requires major changes in education and training of the pharmacists that should be started early from undergraduate level and continues throughout their carrier.
Commitment and dedication of the pharmacists toward self improvement and professionalism should be enforced and encouraged since this will build up the future of the pharmacy practice.
As any other health care discipline to be effective, pharmaceutical care needs to be evidence-based practice that is systemic, well organized and updated. Being systemic implies input, process and output. This flow will also be subjected to continuous corrections and modifications through feedback step (pharmacists need to measure and monitor their contribution to health care for the ultimate benefit of the patient). In order to ensure standards of practice, pharmacists must be willing to assess their knowledge and audit their practice to determine the effectiveness of their interventions.
Evidence-based pharmaceutical care is a dynamic daily practice that is updated according to new and emerging evidence of high quality research and this represents the feedback loop in this system.

To simplify the concept; pharmaceutical care services can be subdivided into direct services that are provided directly to the patient (ex. patient counseling) and indirect services like any other pharmacy service that eventually will help the patient (ex. therapeutic drug monitoring).
4.1. Example
In the anti-coagulation clinic the pharmacist is in direct contact with the patients who are treated with warfarin. Pharmacists are using written brochures to counsel the patients about the proper use of warfarin but during the routine patient satisfaction survey it had been noticed that some patients still do not understand the basic information regarding warfarin use.
Now we have identified the problem, the root cause analysis would be a good option or we can use the PICO method. The next step is to review the literature to figure out the best evidence based approach to be applied in order to achieve effective and convenient patient counseling. By literature search it was found that there is evidence suggesting that weekly scheduled phone consultations increased awareness regarding warfarin use and this resulted in decreased risk of hospitalization for an adverse event associated with anticoagulation (Ibrahim and Saber-Ayad, 2013). Consequently the pharmacy team decided to apply the weekly phone consultations as warfarin counseling tool in addition to the conventional written (warfarin booklet) educational brochures, and to follow the effect of the new counseling program on the proper usage and understanding of warfarin using patient satisfaction measurement tool. In this example evidence-based approach is used to provide pharmaceutical care to patient on warfarin.
Implementation of EBPC can improve the quality of the pharmaceutical care services and encourage the pharmacists to be involved in the health care systems as both practitionersc107 and researchers. Barriers to the implementation of the use of evidence in clinical decision-making can generally be summarized as problems in identifying, assessing, interpreting, and applying best evidence to practice.
Some potential barriers may hinder the implementation of an evidence base approach; these barriers can be categorized as personal or environmental factors. Personal factors include: Attitude and perception toward EBPC, time (due to a heavy clinical load), basic knowledge, skills in critical appraisal, skills in literature searching, clinical incorporation. Environmental factors are those barriers related to system adopted by the health institution like lack of support and reward, inadequate library and evidence based resources and lack of specialized training courses (Weng et al., 2013).
5. Conclusion
Health care interventions can no longer be based on opinion or individual experience alone. Scientific evidence, built up from good quality research, is used as a guide, and adapted to each individual patient’s circumstances. As a new innovative concept evidence-based pharmaceutical care seems promising practice to improve the quality of the pharmaceutical care. We encourage all health system pharmacists to adapt, disseminate and promote this new concept to improve the pharmacy profession. More focused studies are needed to establish and market this concept as a daily pharmacy practice.