Thursday 27 June 2024

Typical IPA Culture

Typical IPA Culture

An Insight When examining the culture of the Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA), several observations and concerns come to light. 

These insights may reveal the dynamics within such associations and provoke thought on their effectiveness and priorities.

1. Agenda Deliberations:

 It's a common curiosity how such organizations can deliberate on 15 heavy agenda items starting from 5 PM. 

This often leads to speculation that:

👉Pre-decided Resolutions: Many resolutions might be pre-decided, leaving little room for genuine discussion.

👉Pre-drafted Minutes: The minutes of the meetings might be pre-drafted, further indicating that discussions might be more a formality than substance.

👉Compelling Addictions: There might be underlying incentives or motivations driving the swift handling of heavy agendas.

2. Overlooked Issues: 

👉A significant critique of such meetings is the neglect of several crucial issues that affect pharmacists directly. These include:

a. Pharmacists' Quality: There often appears to be a lack of focus on improving the quality of pharmacists, which is fundamental to the profession's growth and reputation.

b. Professional and Life Quality: The professional and personal life quality of pharmacists is another area that seems to be overlooked, impacting job satisfaction and overall well-being.

c.Professional Status of Pharmacy: Enhancing the professional status and public perception of pharmacists is vital, yet it frequently receives insufficient attention.

d.Anomalies in Acts and Rules: There are numerous anomalies in the acts and rules governing pharmacists and pharmacies that need addressing to ensure fair practice and compliance.

e. Frauds & Malpractices: Issues such as frauds and malpractices in the academy, regulatory bodies, and retail pharmacies are pressing concerns that require stringent measures and reforms.

3. Regulatory Barriers: Regulatory officers and individuals from Pharmacy Councils, the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), and state drug and license regulating bodies participation could be influencing the discussion and resolution on these pressing issues.

 The involvement of these entities might prevent certain topics from being included, considered and addressed due to:

a. Bureaucratic Hurdles: Regulatory processes can often be slow and cumbersome, hindering timely resolutions.

b. Conflict of Interest: Individuals in regulatory positions might have conflicting interests that influence their decisions and priorities.

c.Lack of Accountability: There might be insufficient or very poor accountability mechanisms wrt functioning and performances.

d. Scared of getting exposed and consequent embarrassment if real issues are considered.

Conclusion: The current culture within the IPA, as perceived, raises significant questions about its effectiveness in addressing the real and pressing issues facing the pharmacy profession. 

For meaningful progress, there needs to be a shift towards more transparent, inclusive, and proactive deliberations focusing on the core challenges and quality improvements within the field. 

Overcoming regulatory barriers by keeping them out and ensuring that these bodies work collaboratively towards the profession's betterment is crucial.

Good Wishes: Despite these challenges, there is hope and good wishes for a future where these critical issues are addressed, leading to a more robust and respected pharmacy profession.

The IPA must ensure that regulatory bodies act in the best interest of the profession and public health.

Thanks for the interest shown and time spared 🙏.

Typical IPA Culture

I really wonder how they would / can deliberate on 15 heavy Agenda from 5PM , unless the resolutions are:
 👉Pre decided, 
 👉Minutes  are pre drafted and
  👉they have some compelling addiction.

Not a single issue on the 
👉Pharmacists Quality

👉Professional and life quality, 

👉Professional status of Pharmacy

👉Anomalies in the Acts and Rule governing the Pharmacists and Pharmacies.

👉 Frauds & Malpractices in Academy, Regulatory bodies and Retail Pharmacies.

Good wishes 👍🎉


- Bhagwan PS- A different POV